

On behalf of the Governing Body we would like to welcome you and your child to Mulgrave Primary School. Our aim is to ensure that all children have a lifelong love of learning and that we create a supportive caring environment to do this.

The Head Teacher and staff are a strong, committed team who work together in collaboration with you to get the best results for all children.

We are an active Governing Body who are involved and welcomed in the school. At times you will see us out and about, especially at events or when we visit to monitor the different aspects of school life. We welcome your ideas on how we can improve what we do and what you love about Mulgrave school.

As a school, we are delighted to have achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark – Outreach award.  The Primary Science Quality Mark Outreach (PSQM-O) was established to enable primary schools to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their science provision.  Mulgrave has demonstrated that excellent teaching practice and leadership in science is visible, sustained and evolving across the whole school, and that this excellent practice has had a clear impact on the pupils and partners beyond the school.

Both staff and pupils are extremely proud of this achievement and have immensely enjoyed going through the process of obtaining recognition for our work in science.

We also achieved a very positive Ofsted report. We thank our staff teams for their hard work in gaining and maintaining these excellent standards.


Chair of Governors- Chris Tuffey

I am honoured to be Chair of Governors at Mulgrave School, having joined as a co-opted Governor in early 2022. As a school governor since 2008, my motivation stems from a deep belief in the transformative power of education and its pivotal role in shaping a safe, happy, and successful future for our children.

Mulgrave stands out to me as an energetic school that has created a safe and stimulating environment, serving as a launchpad for children to realise their full potential. The school fosters a lifelong love of learning, providing students with the tools they need to navigate the world ahead successfully.

With nearly 40 years in financial services, including international experience, I believe I bring a wealth of insights to the governing board. I strongly advocate for the importance of numeracy and confidence with numbers, recognising their role in social and economic mobility. I have witnessed firsthand the value that a diverse and inclusive culture brings, and I am passionate about fostering such an environment at Mulgrave.

Beyond academics, I have a keen interest in sports, health, and overall wellness, understanding the positive impact of physical activity on the mind. I believe in nurturing not only academic excellence but also the holistic well-being of our students.

It is a privilege to contribute to a school that is known for its nurturing, creative, and successful approach to education. I am excited about the opportunity to be part of Mulgrave's journey in providing an enriching educational experience for your children.

Privacy Notice for Governors

Please click here to view the annual governance statement for 2023 - 2024

Amanda Weaver

Name of Governor

Mrs Weaver


Category of Governor

e.g. Staff, Parent, Headteacher, Local Authority, Co-opted or Associate

Associate Governor

(no voting rights on committees)

Appointing or electing body

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body

Governing Body

Term of Office

Start: 19/04/2024


Committees served on

Finance, Premises & Personnel

Learning & Achievement

Full Governing Body

Positions of Responsibility held

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body or Committees

Deputy Headteacher

Relevant Business Interests


Other education establishments governed


Details of any relationships between the governor and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives


As the Deputy Headteacher of Mulgrave I wanted to be a part of the Governing body to enable me to fully support with all aspects of the leadership of the school.  I wish to play an important role in ensuring the school continues to move from strength to strength and ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils, parents and staff.   

Chris Tuffey

Name of Governor

Chris Tuffey


Category of Governor

e.g. Staff, Parent, Headteacher, Local Authority, Co-opted or Associate


Appointing or electing body

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body

Finance Committee

Term of Office

4 years

Start: 22/03/2022

End: 22/03/2026

Committees served on

Finance, Personnel & Premises

Full Governing Body

Positions of Responsibility held

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body or Committees


Relevant Business Interests

67 Pall Mall Limited – A hospitality venue in London.
I am a shareholder and non-executive Director.
I see no conflict with my role as Governor

Other education establishments governed


Details of any relationships between the governor and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives


Dermot Hughes

Name of Governor

Dermot Hughes    



Category of Governor

e.g. Staff, Parent, Headteacher, Local Authority, Co-opted or Associate.

Staff Governor

Appointing or electing body

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body


Term of Office

4 Years


End: 27/06/2027

Committees served on

Finance, Personnel & Premises

Full Governing Body

Positions of Responsibility held

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body or Committees


Relevant Business Interests


Other education establishments governed


Details of any relationships between the governor and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives



Daniyar Makhanov

Name of Governor




Category of Governor

e.g. Staff, Parent, Headteacher, Local Authority, Co-opted or Associate


Appointing or electing body

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body


Term of Office

4 Years

Start: 01/12/2022

End: 01/12/2026

Committees served on

Finance, Personnel & Premises

Full Governing Body

Positions of Responsibility held

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body or Committees


Relevant Business Interests


Other education establishments governed


Details of any relationships between the governor and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives


Diana Bruce

Name of Governor.

Diana Bruce


Category of Governor

e.g. Staff, Parent, Headteacher, Local Authority, Co-opted or Associate.


Appointing or electing body

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body

Governing Body

Term of Office

4 years

Start: 18/03/2006

End: 20/11/2026

Committees served on

Learning and Achievement

Full Governing Body

Pay Committee

Positions of Responsibility held

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body or Committees.

Learning and Achievement Vice Chair

Relevant Business Interests.


Other education establishments governed.


Details of any relationships between the governor and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives.


My name is Diana Bruce and I am a Associate Governor. I live in Charlton and taught English for many years in a local comprehensive school.  Together with the other Governors, I am committed to ensuring that all Mulgrave pupils have stimulating learning experiences and make outstanding progress in every aspect of school life. I'm a member of the Learning and Achievement Committee and also enjoy supporting pupils in Year 6 with their reading skills. My own children attended Greenwich schools and it is a great pleasure, as a Governor, to make a contribution to Mulgrave's exciting development as a forward-looking community.

Gintare Pashkovskaya

Name of Governor

Ms Pashkovskaya


Category of Governor

e.g. Staff, Parent, Headteacher, Local Authority, Co-opted or Associate


Appointing or electing body

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body


Term of Office

4 years

Start: 30/05/2024

End: 29/05/2027

Committees served on

Learning and Achievement

Full Governing Body

Positions of Responsibility held

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body or Committees


Relevant Business Interests


Other education establishments governed


Details of any relationships between the governor and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives



Ian Taylor

Name of Governor

Ian Taylor

Ian Taylor

Category of Governor

e.g. Staff, Parent, Headteacher, Local Authority, Co-opted or Associate


Appointing or electing body

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body

Governing Body

Term of Office

4 years

Start: 20/11/2003

End: 20/11/2027

Committees served on

Finance, Personnel & Premises

Full Governing Body

Headteacher Performance Review Panel


Positions of Responsibility held

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body or Committees


Relevant Business Interests


Other education establishments governed


Details of any relationships between the governor and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives

Husband of Jayne Taylor

My name is Ian Taylor. 

Myself and fellow Governors work closely with Ms Martha Holder, as well as the Senior Management Team and all staff, to make sure a high standard of teaching and learning is maintained within the school and that your child learns within a safe and fun environment.

We pride ourselves in being a fully inclusive community school full of diversity which enriches the learning within it.  I hope your child's time at Mulgrave is a happy one, and when it's their time to go on to Secondary education that they have a good standing to progress to meet their full potential in life.

Joanne Southey


Name of Governor

Joanne Southey


Category of Governor

e.g. Staff, Parent, Headteacher, Local Authority, Co-opted or Associate


Appointing or electing body

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body

 Finance Committee 

Term of Office

4 years

Start: 22/03/2022

End: 22/03/2026

Committees served on

Finance Premises & Personnel Committee

L&A Committee 

Full Governing Body

Positions of Responsibility held

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body or Committees


Relevant Business Interests


Other education establishments governed


Details of any relationships between the governor and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives



Pauline Thomas

Name of Governor.

Pauline Thomas


Category of Governor

e.g. Staff, Parent, Headteacher, Local Authority, Co-opted or Associate.


Appointing or electing body

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body

Governing Body

Term of Office




Co-Chair of L&A Commitee 

4 years

Start: 20/12/2021

End: 20/12/2024


Start: 28/2/2023 

End: 9/5/2023 


Committees served on

Learning and Achievement

Positions of Responsibility held

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body or Committees

Governing Body

Co-Chair of L&A Committee 

Relevant Business Interests


Other education establishments governed


Details of any relationships between the governor and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives



Rosemary Savinson

Name of Governor

Rosemary Janet Savinson


Category of Governor

e.g. Staff, Parent, Headteacher, Local Authority, Co-opted or Associate


Appointing or electing body

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body

Governing Body

Term of Office

4 Years

Start: 07/06/2003

End: 07/06/2027

Committees served on

Learning & Achievement



Full Governing Body

Headteacher Performance Review Panel

Positions of Responsibility held

e.g, staff, parents, Local Authority, Governing Body or Committees

Co-Chairs of Governors

Co-Chair of L&A Committee 

Relevant Business Interests


Other education establishments governed

Trustee of Central Greenwich Children's Centre

Details of any relationships between the governor and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives


I have been a governor at Mulgrave since the new building opened in 2003, following the amalgamation with Cyril Henry Nursery School, where I was Chair of Governors.  I am passionate about providing a rich, high-quality educational experience which meets the diverse needs of all our young people.  I am proud to be a governor at this vibrant school.

Governor Attendance

Please click on the links below to see the attendance of our governors at Governing Body meetings over the academic year 2020 - 2021.



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