
Year 1

Welcome to 1 Hazel and 1 Pine!

Year One is an exciting year for the children at Mulgrave Primary School as theyThumb img 9760 1024 transition from Reception into Key Stage One. The children will now play in the KS1 playground, attend all assemblies in the hall and will be using the MUGA for P.E.

The children will take the phonics screening check in June. This involves reading 40 decodable words. There will be workshops to support parents that will run throughout the year, such as ‘Meet The Teacher’ and Phonics Workshops.

Our focus in Year one will be teaching children how to become 21st century citizens of the world and our curriculum is linked to Global issues around the world.  We provide a creative and challenging curriculum that inspires our children and prepares them for life in a culturally diverse and ever-changing world. Our values ensure that children question, discover and become resilient, independent learners. Our Curriculum will prepare our children for life-long learning.

For more information regarding Knowledge Organisers, please click on the following documents:








Home Learning

Please click here to read about how you can support your child at home in Year 1.

Educational Visits

Toy Museum (Dec. 2019)

The children visited the Toy Museum, as part of their learning in History. The children got to see toys which they recognised in their day and time as well as toys from the past. The visit was very interactive, as they got the chance to play with a variety of old and new toys. The children were confident in describing the toys they saw and made comparisons of functionality and materials used for old and new toys. 

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British Wildlife Centre (Oct. 2019)

The Year Ones visited The British Wildlife Centre which linked to the topic they were learning in English - The Lost Words, in particular Otters. Fortunately our visit was guided through a knowledgable and dedicated keeper who gave opportunities to learn about the other animals in the conservatory and see them up close. We too impressed the keepers with our knowledge of Otters and the children were excited to see the Otters in real form swim and float in the water.

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Parental Engagement

Year One Class Assembly (Autumn 2019)

The year ones performed their first class assembly on Otters to their parents. We shared pictures with parents from our visit to the British Wildlife Centre, whilst children presented their home learning projects. Some children read interesting facts about Otters and sang the Olly the Otter song to end the performance. The assembly was thoroughly enjoyed by parents and the children loved sharing their learning.

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Let's Read Together (Throughout the year)

Parents in Key Stage 1 are invited in every Thursday morning to read with their children in class, from 8:55 - 9:20am.  Please come to join us, we would love to see as many parents there as possible.

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