Sports Premium
P.E. and school sport play a very important part in the life of Mulgrave. We believe that P.E. and sport contribute to the holistic development of our children through teaching them how to care for their own bodies and through that their minds. We try to integrate physical education with mindfulness and hygiene in order to care for the whole child. Our aim for P.E. at Mulgrave is to create happy, healthy and active students. We want to give children an opportunity to try a wide range of physical activities, so they have a positive experience of P.E., which can continue on to a love of being active as adults.
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2018 - 2019 Academic Year
The Sports Premium was allocated to be spent in the following ways in the 2018 – 2019 academic year:
- Fund new sports equipment for both P.E. lessons and lunchtimes. This is to ensure that students attain a higher quality of physical activity per day as well as allow for properly taught P.E. lessons, with the correct equipment.
- Fund a coach to run lunch time sessions with KS2. Through this, not only will students have more physical activity per day, but target children will also get additional assistance for key skills.
- Our overall aim is to raise standards in P.E. and school sport, increasing the participation and opportunities offered to our children. We aim to provide higher quality lessons and improved learning for all by having a subscription to, which assists the teachers to plan engaging and fun P.E. lessons, even when they are not confident.
- Enable all classes now access 2 hours of high-quality PE every week by having coaches work with all staff on their continued professional development, demonstrating and working with teachers on how to plan and deliver a series of skill based, fun lessons for the students.
- Provide quality assured professional development opportunities for teachers, enabling quality teaching and learning for all children. All NQTs have had CPD through the Inspire Partnership of schools, and have come back to school full of ideas and buzzing about their experiences.
- Swimming lessons for both Year 5 classes for the whole year. This has ensured that not only the statutory number of students are able to swim the minimum amount of length, but also allows for a deepening of confidence for those who can already swim, but need to develop further.
- Rental of a field, toilet facilities and purchase of new equipment for Sports Day in order to encourage students love of athletics and make the day special for all those participating in it.
- Fund continued professional development for the PE Coordinator to allow for continued networking with other schools and to keep on top of developments in the Borough of Greenwich and throughout London.
2019 - 2020 Academic Year
The Sports Premium has been allocated to be spent in the following ways in the 2019 – 2020 academic year:
- Fund new sports equipment for both P.E. lessons and lunchtimes. This is to ensure that students attain a higher quality of physical activity per day as well as allow for properly taught PE lessons with the correct equipment.
- Fund a coach to run lunch time sessions with KS2. Through this, not only will students have more physical activity per day, but target children will also get additional assistance for key skills.
- Our overall aim is to raise standards in P.E. and school sport, increasing the participation and opportunities offered to our children. We aim to provide higher quality lessons and improved learning for all by having a subscription to, which assists the teachers to plan engaging and fun P.E. lessons, even when they are not confident.
- Enable for teachers to access high quality CPD through membership of the Greenwich Schools Sports Partnership.
- Enable students to participate in inter school competitions through the Greenwich Schools Sports Partnership.
- Provide quality assured professional development opportunities for teachers, enabling quality teaching and learning for all children. All NQTs have had CPD through the Inspire Partnership of schools, and have come back to school full of ideas and buzzing about their experiences.
- Swimming lessons for both Year 5 classes for the whole year. This has ensured that not only the statutory number of students are able to swim the minimum amount of length, but also allows for a deepening of confidence for those who can already swim, but need to develop further.
- Rental of a field, toilet facilities and purchase of new equipment for Sports Day in order to encourage students love of athletics and make the day special for all those participating in it.