Admission to Mulgrave Primary School for Reception to Year 6 children is dealt with by the Royal Borough of Greenwich. As the admission authority for Mulgrave, the Royal Borough of Greenwich sets the oversubscription criteria and makes decisions about which children are to be offered places. For more information regarding how to apply for a Primary School place please click here, and to view the Royal Borough of Greenwich admissions policies please click here
Mulgrave is a two form entry Primary school, that is maintained by The Royal Borough of Greenwich with an approved intake of 30 children per class. The classes are arranged as follows:
Foundation Stage:
Nursery |
3/4 years old |
26 Pupils Per Session (AM) 26 Pupils Per Session (PM) |
Admissions arranged by School |
Reception |
4/5 years old |
60 Pupils Per Year Group |
Admissions arranged by Royal Borough of Greenwich |
Key Stage 1:
Year 1 |
5/6 years old |
60 Pupils Per Year Group |
Admissions arranged by Royal Borough of Greenwich |
Year 2 |
6/7 years old |
60 Pupils Per Year Group |
Admissions arranged by Royal Borough of Greenwich |
Key Stage 2:
Year 3 |
7/8 years old |
60 Pupils Per Year Group |
Admissions arranged by Royal Borough of Greenwich |
Year 4 |
8/9 years old |
60 Pupils Per Year Group |
Admissions arranged by Royal Borough of Greenwich |
Year 5 |
9/10 years old |
60 Pupils Per Year Group |
Admissions arranged by Royal Borough of Greenwich |
Year 6 |
10/11 years old |
60 Pupils Per Year Group |
Admissions arranged by Royal Borough of Greenwich |
Admission into the Nursery is the responsibility of the school. You can upload the Nursery Application Form below send it back to or visit the School Office to complete and return a paper copy.
All children requiring a Reception Class space will need to apply for a primary school place through the Royal Borough of Greenwich website.
Nursery Admissions
The school is responsible for Nursery pupil allocations. Mulgrave has a 52 pupil allocation limit. We have provision to offer both part-time 15 hours per week or full-time 30 hours per week.
The universal 15 hours early years free entitlement for three and four-year olds includes an extended entitlement of up to 30 hours for eligible working families. Families that do not qualify for the 30 hours will still be eligible for the existing universal 15 hours.
Children will usually be admitted into Nursery in the term after their third birthday subject to availability of place, and places will be offered in the term before the children are due to start.
Documentation will be required to support applications including children’s birth certificate or passport and proof of address. This will consist of Council Tax statement, Council Tax Benefit letter, or Council Tax exemption certificate.
Nursery Admissions Process
Applications to nursery schools or classes are made direct to the school.
Children will not be admitted to a nursery class or nursery school before their third birthday.
If it is not possible to offer a child a place, a request can be made for the child’s name to be placed on the waiting list. However, there is no formal appeals process.
Working parents may be entitled to claim 30 free hours per week, Monday to Friday. To apply please go to If your application is successful you will receive an 11-digit eligibility code which will need to be verified. The outcome of your application must be received the term before you wish the 30 hours place to commence.
If you wish to apply for a Nursery place you should contact the school to make an appointment to meet the Headteacher and visit the Nursery.
During this visit you may collect an application form and the Admissions procedure will be fully explained. The Schools Senior Leadership Team and nursery staff will answer any questions parents may have. You and your child will be expected to attend one of the schools stay and play sessions in the Nursery or a home visit as part of the settling in process for the child. Parents who wish to apply for a Nursery place must then fill in the application form and return it to school office with the required ID documents no later than their child’s third birthday.
All applicants will be notified when or if they have been successful in their application. If an applicant is not successful, their application form will be held in school and will be reconsidered, if a place becomes available
Reception Admissions
Children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 will be eligible for a Reception place in September 2025. Applications should be made to School Admissions at the Royal Borough of Greenwich by 15th January 2025. If you miss the deadline, you will still need to apply online. Online applications can be made using the eAdmission website.
Reception admissions process for entry in September 2025
Stage of process |
Date |
Application period starts |
1 September 2024 |
Closing date for applications |
15 January 2025 |
Outcome of applications |
16 April 2025 |
Deadline for accepting the offer |
30 April 2025 |
Appeal hearings |
June and July 2025 |
In-Year Admissions
If you have applied for your child to attend Mulgrave, Admissions at the Royal Borough of Greenwich will advise you if your application has been successful. You will hear from Mulgrave shortly after this, when you will be asked to collect and complete an enrolment pack and provide some supporting documents. Once these are received, a school visit is arranged and your child will start at Mulgrave very soon afterwards.
To make an in-year admissions application, please follow this link Apply for In-Year School Admissions
Secondary Admissions
Stage of Process |
Date |
Application period starts |
1 September 2024 |
Closing date for applications |
31 October 2024 |
Outcome of applications |
3 March 2025 |
Deadline for accepting the offer |
17 March 2025 |
Appeal Hearings |
May and June 2025 |
Induction day at secondary school |
2 July 2025 |
Appealing an Unsuccessful School Application
You have the right to appeal if your child has been refused a place at any school you have applied for.
You may use the Royal Borough of Greenwich appeal form if the school is a:
- Primary academy or Community school
- Secondary community or Voluntary controlled school
On the form, you'll need to explain the reasons you are appealing for a place at the school. You can also submit supporting evidence.
Phase |
Offer Made |
Deadline for Logging an Appeal |
Appeal Hearings |
Primary (entry to a Reception class in September 2025) |
16 April 2025 |
14 May 2025 |
June and July 2025 |
Secondary transfer (entry to Year 7 in September 2025) |
3 March 2025 |
31 March 2025 |
May and June 2025 |
Appeals submitted after the deadline will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal being lodged.
In-year admission appeals (for people applying for school places in the middle of a school year) will be heard within 30 school days of your appeal being lodged.
Appeal Procedures - An appeal clerk independent of the council will arrange for your appeal to be heard. This is likely to be together with a number of other appeals. The clerk will write to tell you the date, time and venue well before your appeal hearing.
You'll also receive further information about the appeal process and how the panel will reach its decision in respect of your appeal.
If you require any further information, please refer to the Royal Borough of Greenwich Admissions pages.
Fair Access Panel
A fair access protocol exists to ensure that children without a school place, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at an appropriate school as quickly as possible.
The fair access panel meets fortnightly and it includes representatives from Royal Greenwich schools, the local authority and other agencies.
The panel considers all the information available and the child's individual circumstances to make a decision about what school would best meet the child's needs.
Children admitted through the fair access panel get priority over children who wish to transfer to another school and those who are waiting for an appeal.
Please click here to view the Royal Borough of Greenwich Fair Access Protocol.