
Year 6

Welcome to 6 Elm and 6 Beech!

At Mulgrave, we aim for all Year 6 children to have a fun-filled, exciting and educationallyEnglish learning wall img 0062 stimulating end to their time at primary school.  Year 6 is a very important year for the children at Mulgrave Primary School. It is their last year in primary school and it is the year that they will be completing their end of KS2 SATs papers. These papers test their Grammar, Spellings, Maths and Reading.  However, we ensure that we provide a broad and balanced curriculum, as well as opportunities for children to participate in a range of extra-curricular activities.

The children will spend a considerable amount of time preparing for the transition into secondary school by encouraging them to become independent and organised learners. In addition, we plan an extensive unit of work focusing on all aspects of personal, social and health education in the second half of the summer term to ensure all pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education.

For more information regarding Knowledge Organisers, please click on the following documents:








Home Learning

Please click here to read about how you can support your child at home in Year 6.