Year 2
Welcome to 2 Ash and 2 Sycamore!
Year two is a very important year for the children at Mulgrave Primary School. It is their last year in KS1 and it is the year that they will be completing their end of KS1 SATs papers. These papers test their Grammar, Spellings, Maths and Reading and take place throughout the month of May. In order to prepare our students for these assessments, we will be teaching them not only the knowledge they will need to know, but the skills that they can utilise in order to succeed and move forward into KS2.
Year 2 is not all about SATs, however, we will be learning all the skills the children will need to be happy and productive citizens of the world. We provide a creative and challenging curriculum that inspires our children and prepares them for life in a culturally diverse and ever-changing world. Our values ensure that children question, discover and become resilient, independent learners. Our Curriculum will prepare our children for life-long learning.
For more information regarding Knowledge Organisers, please click on the following documents:
Educational visits
Oxleas Woods (December 2021)
2 Ash had a great time visiting Oxleas Woods. They designed their own leaf pallets and created magical wands with sticks they found on the ground. Additionally, they took some lovely Autumn themed photos with their creations. The children were with Denise Scott Macdonald, Deputy Leader and Adel Chaired, Cabinet member for Culture and Communities.
One child said:
“The visit was great because we got to explore the woods and make some really cool things. We also got to see what an ash tree looks like in real life”.
Parental Engagement
Let's Read Together (Throughout the year)
Parents in Key Stage 1 are invited in every Thursday morning to read with their children in class, from 8:55 - 9:20am. Please come to join us, we would love to see as many parents there as possible.
Home Learning
Please click here to read about how you can support your child at home in Year 2.