Year 3
Welcome to 3 Oak and 3 Cherry!
Meet our classes, 3 Oak and 3 Cherry, named after you guessed it, trees! Being a sustainable school, it is very fitting that we have all classes named after trees. This will give our pupils an opportunity to explore and become curious about nature around them.
Year 3 is an exciting time for the children at Mulgrave Primary School as they transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2. The children will now play in the Key stage 2 playground and they will be learning upstairs in the Key Stage 2 corridor.
The children will be introduced to DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read) and they will have reading journals to complete independently. They will choose their own reading books to take home and record these in their journals. The focus will be more on working independently, taking ownership of their own learning. There will be a focus on the children learning their timestables, as they will be taking their Multiplication Tables Check at the end of year 4.
At Mulgrave Primary School, we ensure that learning is planned for in a cross curricular way, this ensures that children are able to make links within their learning and also educate them on the Global issues around the world. Lessons challenge all pupils through a variety of activities, providing opportunities for feedback from adults and peers. Through high expectations of everyone at Mulgrave we aspire to achieve outstanding outcomes.
For more information regarding Knowledge Organisers, please click on the following documents: